Sit by the pool this winter

Photo by Michael LoBiondo

Pool scene for Annual Report

It got really cold this weekend in Charlotte and we were doing some Annual Report photos in town of apartment complexes.  Nothing like being around the pool in 35 degree weather with a cross wind.  Luckily the sun came out and warmed us to at least 37 degrees.   The AD didn’t want to show the typical building shots for the annual which was good because we had lost almost all the leaves on the trees.  Se we wanted to set a different tone/mood for the photography.  Who knows what the final client will actually use for their annual.  That’s the way the ball bounces sometimes.  Ultimately, you have to shoot what makes everyone happy including yourself.  It’s always a dance.

It will warm up again and I will get out my beach blanket and lounge chair…and hot chocolate.  More soon.