Architectural Photography – Now’s the time

Photo by Michael LoBiondo Photography

Architectural Photography

We are doing a lot of Architectural Photography now and put together this little piece.  We’re always looking for an interesting angle to photograph when interpreting the architect’s design.  Also, shooting at dusk gives us a unique perspective on the building,the lighting and space around it.

It’s also great to photograph the architects, developers or designers.  We also photograph the real workmen/women on the job but that’s for another blog post.


Architecture Photography-More Images of Nashville TN

Photo by Michael LoBiondo

Walking Bridge to Nashville

I wanted to post one more Architecture Photography image from my trip to Nashville TN from a few weeks ago.  Now that the rains have stopped and we can see blue sky again here in Charlotte.  This image does illustrate a point that you don’t always need perfect blue skies to get a great shot.

The other note on this image is that a few years ago, this river flooded…over the tops of the banks seen here in the background and up almost to the top where the bridge deck is.  Massive amounts of rain in a very short time.  I have other shots of this bridge and the city on Flickr and you can get a different look at the banks and imaging the water going over the bank and 2 blocks up into downtown.  We’re talking “Noah” time.

If you have seen my previous blogs you might notice that our website has changed.  There are a lot of people to thank for this and I will do so in later posts when we work out all the bugs.  Please leave me your comments and opinions of the site.

As I said, I have more shots of Nashville on my Flickr site even the ones I posted on Facebook while I was there.  Of course, a shout out to the Farm Bureau and all our local farmers.  Bring a kid to a farm.  Let them know their food doesn’t come from the grocery store but from the ground and a pig and a cow (just sayin’).