
Healthcare Photography – Medical Device Manufacturing

There are hidden medical marvels happening in nondescript buildings all over the country. Plastics that dissolve in the body over time allowing for healing without evasive removal after surgery. 3D printing for joints and bone repair. The only limitation is the imagination. Take a look at some of these amazing medical innovations we’ve captured as a commercial healthcare photographer for various clients and campaigns in Charlotte and across the US.

Healthcare Photography - UV treatment for medical devices
Healthcare Photography - Testing 3D printing for medical devices

More later…ML

Healthcare Education Shoot on Hospital Campus



In the healthcare world, there are nurses and folks that take care of you before the doctor gets to you. They need training on all the various tests and things that the doctors use to treat you…how to draw blood, stick in an intravenous drip, check blood pressure and other things that take education and lots of practice.  Here are some images we did for The Cabarras College of Health Sciences…



nurse,training,medical,education,blood pressure

nurse,training,medical,education,tools,operating room

nurse,training,medical,education,lab,operating room

More later…ML

CareRing Photography, Charlotte Healthcare Photographer

Charlotte Healthcare Photographer Michael LoBiondo

Charlotte Healthcare Photographer Michael LoBiondo

We just finished photography for CareRing’s HOPE FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH Annual Luncheon on Wednesday, October 8th from 11:30 – 1:00 pm at the Westin Charlotte.  This is one of the non-profit projects we do every year or so.  Care Ring is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing preventive health services for the uninsured, underinsured or those  otherwise lacking access to affordable, high-quality preventive health care. The organization annually serves more than 7,000 people in Mecklenburg County and is a leader in collaborative efforts to improve community health. (taken from their website).  As a charlotte healthcare photographer, we enjoy these projects because they give us a lot of room for creativity.  Check them out, they do great work in our community.

It only hurts a little…

Professional photography by Michael LoBiondo

It only hurts a little…

I am a big fan of acupuncture and have had many treatments.  It helps a variety of ills.

We were shooting  medical photography at a large hospital and they are offering many alternative types of treatments.  Unfortunately, the model wasn’t quite prepared for the needles to be put in her hand.  In fact, this is our brave art director.  Now she knows what a model goes through.  And this isn’t the most sensitive area for the needles.  She winced a little bit but then relaxed and actually got something great out of the mini-treatment.  All for the good of the shot.

Plus, it only hurt a little!!

More later…