
Healthcare Photography – Medical Device Manufacturing

There are hidden medical marvels happening in nondescript buildings all over the country. Plastics that dissolve in the body over time allowing for healing without evasive removal after surgery. 3D printing for joints and bone repair. The only limitation is the imagination. Take a look at some of these amazing medical innovations we’ve captured as a commercial healthcare photographer for various clients and campaigns in Charlotte and across the US.

Healthcare Photography - UV treatment for medical devices
Healthcare Photography - Testing 3D printing for medical devices

More later…ML

Sometimes, the best way is through…


Photography by Michael LoBiondo specializing in people, corporate, industrial and advertising. CMC Surgical Skills Lab

Sometimes, the most literal image isn’t the one that communicates the best.  An example of this is photographing surgical students in a cadaver lab.  Yes, body parts everywhere, in various stages of surgery.  If you’re shooting for images that depict the students, how they concentrate, how they look while working, it may not be the best idea to show the grisly details of the bodies.  Sometimes, the best way is through.  This image was shot through the shoulders of other students working together.  It shows the concentration of the student and a potential applicant could look at this and think, “yes, that could be me.”  The cropping was done in camera.  It follows some of the general rules for positioning the subject but breaks the rule of not cropping into the subject.  Besides, I think the rules are just “guidelines”! The only post work was to increase the saturation a little bit to help the blues of the surgery gown and the warmth of her face.  Look ahead, look behind, and always, look through.

More later…ML

Healthcare Education Shoot on Hospital Campus



In the healthcare world, there are nurses and folks that take care of you before the doctor gets to you. They need training on all the various tests and things that the doctors use to treat you…how to draw blood, stick in an intravenous drip, check blood pressure and other things that take education and lots of practice.  Here are some images we did for The Cabarras College of Health Sciences…



nurse,training,medical,education,blood pressure

nurse,training,medical,education,tools,operating room

nurse,training,medical,education,lab,operating room

More later…ML

HEALTHCARE PHOTOGRAPHY- What is an Otoscope??!!

Charlotte Commercial Photographer-Charlotte Healthcare Photography-Charlotte Corporate Photographer

Charlotte Commercial Photographer-Charlotte HEALTHCARE PHOTOGRAPHY-Charlotte Corporate Photographer

You recognize these stoic “bird like” contraptions.  These things probe our ears, noses, and throats, and when standing alone, look like proud storks checking the way of the wind. Healthcare Photography takes me not only to the doctors who help us but to the equipment they use to check us out.  The Otoscope is “an instrument designed for visual examination of the eardrum and the passage of the outer ear, typically having a light and a set of lenses.” (see webster).

Oh, and a doctor.  Don’t want to forget he’s here, too!

More later….ML

CareRing Photography, Charlotte Healthcare Photographer

Charlotte Healthcare Photographer Michael LoBiondo

Charlotte Healthcare Photographer Michael LoBiondo

We just finished photography for CareRing’s HOPE FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH Annual Luncheon on Wednesday, October 8th from 11:30 – 1:00 pm at the Westin Charlotte.  This is one of the non-profit projects we do every year or so.  Care Ring is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing preventive health services for the uninsured, underinsured or those  otherwise lacking access to affordable, high-quality preventive health care. The organization annually serves more than 7,000 people in Mecklenburg County and is a leader in collaborative efforts to improve community health. (taken from their website).  As a charlotte healthcare photographer, we enjoy these projects because they give us a lot of room for creativity.  Check them out, they do great work in our community.

Location photography – In the airport

Location Photography by Michael LoBiondo

Location Photography by Michael LoBiondo


I seem to be in a lot of airports these days and it reminded me of a location photography assignment we had inside an airport.  I have photographed at airports before and when the airport is your client, things are easier.  You get your bags checked but you’re in a line of one.  Then you can go many places the public can’t because you have a security person attached to your hip.  Many things have changed over the years.

This assignment was for Black Enterprise Magazine and Keith Haywood is an executive for this Bojangles at the end of a concourse at this very busy airport.  A perfect application of using small flash.  The logistics were tricky because I had to go through the TSA check-point and they put my two bags through the ringer.  I had packed light (no pun intended) but it still took 15 minutes.

The question was how to show busy airport concourse, restaurant, subject, and not get run over by the crowd.  I positioned my light stand in the middle of the concourse loaded with the small Canon EX580 flash with small soft-box and had my assistant stand next to it in the wave of oncoming people.  I found a pole to kneel behind.  Wait for the crowd, shoot a bunch.  Reposition, wait for the crowd,  you get the idea.  We did five positions in about 40 minutes during the ebb and flow of passengers coming and going.  No one ran over the light, my subject, my assistant or me.  Couple of close calls with folks on their phones!!  Then, on to chicken and biscuits.

Gotta’ go and catch my flight.  More later….ML